Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Miamaids Beauty Night

Left to Right: Ashley Shumway, Ashley Marian, Heidi Hiatt, Brooke Lyman,
Brooklyn Dewitt, Sarah Berrett




Friday, January 29, 2010

January 2010 Combined YM/YW Rap Night

There were 5 groups. After being assigned a theme, each group had to make up rap lyrics and perform them for everyone else! We've got some MAD talent!!!

Sorry guys, my camera's memory card filled up and I couldn't video anymore but included a few still pics of your group!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today...Linzy, Hayley,Nikki ,and guy friend, Ben, are coming for Thanksgiving. Its so wonderful to have family gather... So many things to be thankful for... good food, and playing hard.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Klondike Derby 2009

Klondike Derby 2009 was held on February 13th and 14th. The leaders and boys had a great time and actually stayed pretty warm (the leaders slept in their trucks :). David Ivins brought up cedar posts and straw to build the snow structure. Once the boys had the posts braced on one another they laid tarps across the top and packed snow on top of the tarps. They laid straw on the snow inside the shelter and "slept like babies" as was reported. Devin Lyman made the comment that he wanted to move in the shelter and live there. On Saturday they had snow shoe and sled races and everyone lived, although one of the scouts worked so hard he got sick for a bit. Bishop Lyman and Brother Bethea went up Saturday morning to cook breakfast and work (play) with the boys. David Ivins and Dane Lyman were the brave leaders that stayed over night and most of these boys are looking forward to next years event.